Support programs and the community we serve.

Your contributions will support the church and the following community programs and much more:

Donate To OUr Church

Any financial contributions enable us with God’s blessing, to provide opportunities to our local and broader communities. As well as contributing to our operating budget. Our church is funded solely by generous contributions of our members and non-members.


We continually chose non-profit organization to assist with physical and financial contributions. Please view the Outreach schedule for more details.

Welcome All Building Project

Our recent construction project - WABP (Welcome All Building Project) was a result of investment contributions and generous donations from patrons such as you. Please help us reach our financial goal.

Reach Out



Embrace Diversity

GPCC is a self-governing Christian congregation affiliated with the United Church of Christ. We hold a wide variety of theological, social, and political opinions, but most importantly we follow Jesus Christ our Lord, and his commandment to love each other. If you are looking for a joyful and spiritually uplifting community that embraces the love of Jesus Christ and God’s creations, come and join us. We will RISE to the occasion.